24 January 2011 | New Hazlett Theater | 6:30 p.m.
Heads up Pittsburgh. It’s year three! of 10 opinionated souls giving us outstanding ideas for change.
Give us 30 minutes and we’ll change the way you see the city. As always, each person gets a mere three minutes to offer up an idea without any restrictions. And all we ask for is ‘thought-provoking’ and ‘outside the box’ concepts that examine change in Pittsburgh and how we approach it.
Chris Potter, editor of the City Paper, joins us once again as moderator for this idea-fest where we will be hearing from the panelists including:
Adrienne Wehr, local actress, producer and filmmaker; Babs Carryer, adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at CMU; Bill Cagney, of the International Union of Operating Engineers, and active in green jobs locally; Chris Ivey, award-winning local filmmaker; Dutch MacDonald, COO at Maya Design; Evan Frazier, senior vice president for Highmark Inc., overseeing community affairs; Jean-Jacques Sène, assistant professor of History, Cultural and Conflict Studies as well as the coordinator for the Global Focus program at Chatham University; Jessica Trybus, CEO and founder of Etcetera Edutainment; Nina Maria Barbuto, multi-media artist, entrepreneur and co-founder of the I Made It! Market, and Vanessa German, award-winning multi-disciplinary artist.
Missed this event? Catch the full video here or the short version here.