Catapult Show-n-Tell #13: Garfield Showcase
Friday, June 7th 2013 at 6 PM
Catapult PGH, 5139 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15224
RSVP for a very special edition of Catapult’s monthly Show-n-Tell, featuring projects and stories from Garfield residents—and how they are helping the neighborhood grow.
The event, co-organized by Catapult and cityLAB, will feature Jason Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art, Jessie Rommelt of the BUNKERprojects, Mark Fairclaugh of cityLAB’s very own 6% Place committee, and Michael Stanton of Open Hand Ministries.
Show-n-Tell is free and open to the public, and there will be snacks!
See you there tomorrow!