A good crowd turned out last Friday to listen to stories from Garfield residents at Catapult’s Show-n-Tell #13: Garfield Edition, co-organized with cityLAB.
The presenters, which included Mark Fairclaugh of the 6% Place advisory committee, Jesse Rommelt of the BUNKERproject, Michael Stanton of Open Hand Ministries, and Jason Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art, had their presentations and stories recorded by visual note-taker Stephanie Bercht.
And the Garfield Show-n-Tell also got a nice write-up in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette!
Our thanks to all of the presenters and to Lara Schenck at Catapult for letting cityLAB collaborate with her on Show-n-Tell #13. Find out about Catapult’s upcoming Show-n-Tell here.