We’re happy to announce that, working with our Night Market planning committee and our partners at the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, we’ve got a launch date for the Garfield Night Market: our first Night Market will be on August 2nd, 2013. Interested in being a vendor, volunteer, or performer? Fill our survey at nightmarket.citylabpgh.org. And email garfieldnightmarket (at) gmail.com with other inquiries.
Garfield Night Market
garfield night market may debut this spring
Have you heard the news? cityLAB and the 6% Place Advisory Committee are organizing a night market in Garfield to begin this summer and we are looking for vendors, volunteers, performers, and sponsors.
Read the article from the April issue of the Bloomfield-Garfield Bulletin below and then sign up here if you’re interested in being a part of the Night Market.